This blog has moved to its own domain. Please visit Ashwin's Blog for the all-new Ashwin's Tech Blog and bookmark it. The new site has much more content and some new sections, and you can read about them here and here. You can subscribe to full RSS feeds of all the sections from here. This blogspot site will no longer be updated, except in case of emergencies, if the main site suffers a prolonged outage. Thanks - Ashwin.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Imagine Cup 2007 Korea - Registrations Open

After the successful finish of Microsoft's Imagine Cup 2006 in India, it is now headed to Korea for year 2007. Registrations are now open. Overview about the competition and the official website.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Ms Dewey - A New Interactive Search Engine

Here is a new interactive - flash based search engine
Ms. Dewey is here to assist you in your search and is hosted by model/actress/vocalist, Janina Gavankar, who is guest starring in the new episodes of Showtime's "The L Word", a television drama series aired in United Stated. Type in your search requirement in the search field and wait for what she has to say. Also just check her when you are inactive... and also u search through without typing anything in the field. Play around with different search requirements and see the results. Well this happens to be just a timepass for me at the moment... nothing more than that. See takes a a very long time to think.

Backup Tips

ComputerWorld has some very interesting articles on Tips to backup:

10 Tips for Backing Up Your Desktops

Automate the desktop backup proc­ess whenever possible. Best intentions are exactly that.
Have users organize and consolidate important data in a single location for easier backup.
Use continuous data protection when data sets are evolving at a high rate.
Use an online service or VPN, plus a connection-sensing local client, for remote users.
Put desktop and laptop backups in your central data store to leverage its backup and redundancy.
Use imaging for quick and easy restoration of systems.
Image to hidden partitions on laptops for system recovery without IT assistance.
Use plain (uncompressed) file backups so users can browse and restore single documents on their own.
Save multiple revisions with your CDP system to create an ad hoc document archiving system.
Educate and continually re-educate users on the importance of backing up their desktops.

10 Tips for Backing Up Your Workgroups

Outsource to a backup service, or if that’s not possible...
Determine what needs to be backed up and how often it needs to be recovered.
Designate one or two people to be in charge of backups.
Install a backup product tailored to small groups, not enterprises.
Back up to disk rather than to tape.
Find a system that replicates off-site.
Consider continuous data protection
if your industry is highly regulated.
Maintain backup logs, or use reporting tools for auditing and visibility.
Back up every day at a minimum — sometimes twice a day.
Test your backup system before an emergency.

10 Tips for Backing Up Your Data Center

Save to disk before going to tape.
Figure out the restore, then plan the backup to match.
Deduplicate the data to speed backup time and reduce the amount of storage needed.
Look for network bottlenecks that slow down backup and restore.
Don’t rely on a single technology. Use multiple layers of protection.
Minimize the number of backup products you use.
Set up restoration as a help desk function so storage professionals can work on improving levels of service.
Have backups stored outside the disaster impact zone.
Test the restoration process before it is needed, and tier your backups depending on how quickly they need restoration.
Make sure the recovery plan is stored with the backup data.

10 Tips for Backing Up Your Messaging

Decide between backup and archiving: Do you need to restore messages from a failure event (backup) or store/retrieve data to comply with legislation or a legal request for discovery?
Know what you are trying to gain with the backup and what level of restore granularity you require.
Fully disclose instant messaging monitoring or recording to IM users as part of your company’s written policy.
Focus on reducing the size of the message store by removing duplicate e-mail and attachments.
Apply ongoing, disk-based technology, such as snapshots, to capture changes to the now-more-manageable message store.
Consider contracting with a messaging-specific archival or disaster recovery-related service provider if you haven’t the time or resources to build out an internal IT infrastructure.
Determine, with the help of legal and compliance counsel, whether e-mail-related backups should be kept indefinitely on disk or tape or deleted after a certain period of time.
Know how long you are legally required to retain specific messaging backup data or message archives, and plan for such deadlines.
Develop, write and disseminate policies for the handling, protection and archiving of messaging systems.
At the least, perform a daily dump of the messaging system to disk via the Microsoft Windows NTbackup command.

5 Tips for Backing Up Your PDAs

Keep master copies of all corporate data on the server. Many applications have extensions to provide data to PDAs and smart phones.
Make new backups of the contents of memory whenever you make a significant addition or change to your data, either to an SD memory card, local computer or over the network to a corporate server.
Back up to two local memory cards, one of which is kept separate from the device in case of loss or theft, and to at least your local laptop or desktop computer daily.
Make frequent copies of SD card contents. Some PDA and smart phone applications read data directly from an SD card, essentially using it as a solid-state hard drive.
Automate backups so they won’t be forgotten. Most PDA and smart phone backup software today allows you to schedule daily automatic backups both to an SD card and over a Wi-Fi or cellular network to a corporate server.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

First IPTV in India

Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) in tie up with IOL Broadband Limited, has launched the Internet Protocol Television (IP TV) in Mumbai. They are offering the subscribers to access 24 TV channels @ Rs. 199/- (special introductory fee). The service allows user to simultaneously make calls and surf the Internet on the broadband services. We will also be able to get video and music on demand services which is similar to watching Video CD's / DVD's using a VCD / DVD player. Movies, Instructional Videos and other content will also be available to customers. And not only this, we also have the e-learning services, where you will actually be able to directly attend seminars, interactive classrooms and meeting rooms etc... Whoa!

All we need to have is the following 3 services from MTNL:-
Normal Telephone Service
Broadband Internet service
IPTV service

The TV Channels are said to be getting increased to 200 very soon.

How does it work?
IPTV uses a two-way digital broadcast signal (sent through a switched telephone or cable network by way of a broadband connection and a set-top box programmed with a software that can handle viewer requests to access to many available media sources.

The viewer's TV connects to a Set Top Box (STB) that decodes the IP video and converts it into standard television signals. The STB is the gateway to an IP video switching system. The Switched Video Service (SVS) system allows viewers to access broadcast network channels, subscription services, and movies on demand. The consumer can access different media by using the television remote to send control commands to the SVS. The unit processes the request and displays the requested media type. Though there are many possible media sources, only one video channel is utilized in the process.
IPTV is an emerging technology and will evolve into a completely interactive experience in the future!

To make this all understand more simpler, IPTV will be a television content that, instead of being delivered through traditional formats and cabling, is received by the viewer through the technologies used for computer networks.

Some advantages on IPTV, and more

MTNL has answered the FAQ's here

So with this launch, we can now imagine a lot more than the DTH services provided by DishTV and TataSky in India. Just keep watching how the technology now moves with the already launched Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 and now very soon I guess will Microsoft TV IPTV Edition come to India. Watch this Microsoft TV IPTV Edition Demonstration and also more from Cisco

MTNL has not yet announced the actual Tariff but it is not even far away! Well I am very much satisfied with the telephone service and the broadband service MTNL is providing me and looking forward for the next service... IPTV :) The only complaint I have with them is their response time to the initial setup and installation is a much extended process and need a lot of follow up's but I feel, by now they should improve.

MTNL hai toh sahi hai :)

IOL Broadband has a subscription form for IPTV service here. If need further information, we may fill it up and either a MTNL or IOL representative will get back to us. Or just check up with MTNL helpline on 1800228844 or 1504 (only from MTNL phone) or check your nearest helpline.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Microsoft Mobile and Embedded Technology Enablement Program

Microsoft communities invites all to the Microsoft Mobile and Embedded Technology Enablement Program. To tell you in brief about the training format, here it is:
This is a training officially provided by Microsoft. This training is provided all over India and is going to be a 10 month long series of modules on Windows Mobile and Embedded Technologies. This happens to be only every Saturday.
There are 10 modules of each program. i.e., 10 of Windows Mobile 5.0 and 10 of Windows Embedded CE 6.0. It is a neatly formatted program where you will be given all the required resources, the training materials, training facilities etc... everything you may think of that is essential for learning and mastering a product.

Each module consists of:

1) A Webcast giving an overview of the topic (90 minutes duration - 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm)
2) A session broadcast that explains in detail the topic itself (3 hours - 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm)
3) A lab that allows you to try first-hand the technology being discussed (day-long - 9:00 am to 6:00 pm) - depending on how fast we complete practice.

Here is the process how it all goes. Each module goes on for 2 Saturdays. The first week, you are provided the 90 min Webcasts that you may need to check (every Wednesday for Mobile 5.0 and Wed and Thu for Embedded CE 6.0), Even if you are unable to view it, we get that to view offline after few days either to view online or download for offline viewing (after 2-3 days max).
You will also be provided an article related to the same module (as the one I have attached here). With this, you do not need to got out and search for external resources for downloading. This makes your life easier as an initiative that people who have been busy all over, will only have to refer these articles to learn more.
Then it is followed by a session that Saturday. The session is broadcasted live and will happen happen in the same hall at Microsoft's office where everyone will be trained together. Also you get an opportunity to ask questions and get answered live! You can make the best use of this training.
Then the next Saturday, you get a Hands-on-lab where you are provided the facilities at Microsoft's office again. Each individual will be provided a system to practice the same. With this now you get an opportunity to really practice what you learnt.

This is not an initiative like other institutes who just teach and finish, but here you are not only trained on a particular technology but given enough care by allowing to practice and ensure that you are well trained and mastered at the end of all the modules. And moreover, what do you loose when it is Microsoft itself who is providing the training and the Technology Evangelists themselves taking enough initiative to train everyone. And at the end, you are also Certified by Microsoft after the end of each module.

So just tell me which one would you like to loose? Training, Training resources and facilities, Certificates... I feel that should be none. Nothing to loose when you are given an opportunity to master and not at all being charged :) You get an added skill and an opportunity to master a new technology finally being able to add light to your Resume. So just get in all your friends, colleagues, relatives, etc.. anyone who may be interested in this being in IT field or keen on getting into these technologies. All are welcome and are very strongly suggested to grab this opportunity and make it's best use.

This is what Mr. Vineet Gupta, Technology Evangelist - Microsoft; says:
In my opinion, mobile programming is where the next big growth in mainstream computing would take place, and very soon customers would be asking for mobile-based solutions. So I would urge you to think hard about mobile programming, and if possible, invest in your skills in this area. We are really working hard to help you become successful in this area, and if you have any ideas / feedback / suggestions, we are very eager to hear them.

The topics for the 10 months on Windows Mobile 5.0 are:

Sep - Windows Mobile Fundamentals
Oct - Compact Framework Fundamentals
Nov - Working with both Managed and Native Code
Dec - Crossbow - What's New
Jan - Using Windows Mobile Communication Stacks Part - I
Feb - Using Windows Mobile Communication Stacks Part - II
Mar - Data Storage and Access
Apr - Using Location APIs
May - Securing Windows Mobile Apps
Jun - Performance Tuning Windows Mobile Apps

Since we have missed the September module, and if you are from Mumbai interested into this, arrangements can be done in order to start back from scratch and we all can get the best from the fundamentals to advanced. But this needs to be informed quick and before Diwali ;) So post your comments here.

Similarly for Windows CE 5.0:
The Tools Story
Platform Overview
OS Architecture
Platform Security
Device Drivers

This is in short that I have at the moment for Windows CE 5.0. I will update you with in detail information soon. But no worries, we get the best from both the Windows Mobile and The Embedded Technologies.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Back to Blogs

I had been away for a while from blogging. Several reasons for not being in,
Had a lot of issues with my system always constantly restarting periodically. My OS, Windows XP used to misbehave a lot. Windows Servr 2003 R2 took ages to boot up... Getting fed up with all these, last week I decided to service my system myself. So just closed down everything. Got into Gear 1 and got in with all the components out of the system to clean them and reassembled. Accelerated to back up all my data on DVD and got into Gear 2 to start formating the system. Gear 3 installation of the OS - Windows XP. Gear 4 installation of all the required applications with patches updated and re configuring my system. Now after all the hassles, today I am very happy having my system on a top gear running to its best and helping me to get back into blogging.

BTW, I have to tell you that I have received my free Windows Vista Beta 2 DVD shipped for FREE to my home on Friday, September 22, 2006. All those who have read my earlier blog post, hope that you too must have received it too. Now you too get into the top gear with Vista Installation. Start gearing yourself now!

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  • I'm Ashwin Kini
  • From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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