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Million Dollar Pages

Ever since I have been hearing about this site, MillionDollarHomePage.com looks like it has now crossed well above half a million.

Well for those who have not heard about it, here is a brief information.
MillionDollarHomePage is found by a 21 year old student Alex Tew from Wiltshire, England.

His goal is to sell pixels of homepage space to advertisers for a dollar each to fund his university Education. Each pixel is sold at $1 and there are 1,000,000 pixels for sale.
Each grid in the below image is a pixels that will be filled with advertisements

And, an example of some advertised pixels

I should say, he has come up with a good unique idea. Reading his FAQ page, this is what he answers to a question "What will you do with the money?"

First and foremost, if I make enough money, I will pay my way through University. That includes 3 years worth of tuition fees, accomodation fees, textbooks etc, and [god forbid] - having a social life!

After that, I would like to pay for my parents to have some time off because they work so hard and they deserve a break. I would like to return some of the support they have given me over all these years.

Thirdly... socks! I definitely need some new socks. Whenever I buy new ones they seem to disappear, or they disintegrate. So I want to buy some really expensive, long-lasting socks.

Finally... if I reach the $1m target and still have money left over after buying my swanky new socks, then I have a couple of interesting business ideas I would love to invest some money in. So watch this space!

Ok, nice to have such thoughts. Just imagine getting $1 each from 1 Million people. Today a beggar, tomorrow a Millionaire!!!

The slums in Mumbai should come up with such ideas and get their own union website and really help us in making Mumbai as Shanghai. Oh!! looks like an Indian beggar has advertised there and now also hosting their own site by name IndiaPixelPage. The arsehole had no other name arising in his mind other than including India's name in the begging community.

The below banner updates us on the pixel sales count on MillionDollarHomePage. Watch this Half Millionaire growing.

Million Dollar Pixel Page progress report

Anyways, I have no much harsh feeling for Alex. It proves, this a Million Dollar idea works in this MAD MAD world.

Ever since this idea came out, these days there are several other clones and losers who have now found an easy way out. Also the stupid advertisers encourage these lazy bones.

Just look at this loser who begs for having an AMAZING CHRISTMAS!!! The site is MakeMyChristmas
Here is an excerpt from the site:

This site differs from other sites in that I am not attempting to make a living off of the income made here, instead I would just like to have one amazing christmas while I cannot provide for my own. Christmas is my favorite day of the year, and I will keep this site updated with my christmas preparations and other christmas related stuff.

Here is a list of few other clone websites that I will just point and not talk much about it. Because it's a SHIT to talk on them and is a pure waste of time.



This site is begun to raise $1,000,000 for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and we are doing it by selling advertising space for $1 per pixel

Stan Oleynick, a 22 year old, American entrepreneur, aims to make one million dollars - to fund the building of his internet project - by selling 10,000 virtual acres to advertisers for $100 per acre, on his website, MillionDollarState.com, Advertisers, will then be able to decide, how they want to "develop" their property!

Found by Nick Butcher, a 31 year old UK based computer consultant who has challenged to display 1 Million faces on a single webpage within a year. The $1 Million will be raised for charity on achieving. The image upload fee is $4

At the end let me point the last BULL SHIT!
That's a COW. You heard it right. If inquisitive on this, its better you check this yourself.

This list continues... Do further research and let me know if you come across such site. Just post a comment.

Read this blog

I recommend you reading this article

This is a comment about MillionDollarState.com, first of all the guy is not copying milliondollarhomepage.com at all, the only similarities are his website address name which starts -milliondollar..., and his goal to make $1M and that was obviously done to make it an interesting competition: UK vs USA because on his homepage you can read, America's answer to Million Dollar Homepage! If the website address name was different and if his goal of making a $1M was different, we would have 2 totally different projects and if you ask me and everybody else, MillionDollarState.com is a more unique idea than MillionDollarHomepage!
So please, before posting any comments, put your glasses on and make some research!


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  • From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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