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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sharing MS Office Documents is Simple, Secure with Live Documents

Just today, I was informed by Mr. Mohan (VP Marketing, InstaColl) that they are now coming up with their latest upcoming product, LiveDocuments. We are sure many of you may have heard of InstaColl earlier. You may have read my earlier review on the product. Now I was just going through the latest product, LiveDocuments.
Let's now move one step ahead of Instantly collaborating your documents. So what exactly is LiveDocuments?

Your group may have collaborated together and prepared a file. You alongwith your coworkers, collaborate on on preparing a presentation together. Would you then like to take the headache of keeping track of file versions and who has the latest revisions etc... ? Think about it! Well, I would definitely NOT! :o Then who will? :s

As you see on the LiveDocuments website:

Here are few document chaos we usually get into:
Did John approve the document that I sent?
Is this the final version of the agreement?
Did Jim upload the latest version to the Intranet?
I have five copies of this document and they all seem different?!
Our competitor's proposal seems exactly like ours! Do we have a leak?
Did Jane update the document with her changes?
Is the product information in the database up-to-date?
Who has the master document?
Has everyone finished reviewing this document?

We all may have definitely experienced such hassles and so this may have landed us into several confusions. So, it now time for us to say bye to confusions and welcome the simple and secure document sharing software from InstaSecure.

This application allows Microsoft Office users to share documents online in realtime and also they can automatically synchronize updates among all document users who are online at that very moment. You can specify who can read, edit, or print a file, and even a date after which people can't access it at all. The tool synchronizes changes in files, and it prevents people from creating conflicting edits, since it locks all instances of a file for writing when somebody else has it open. The functions are somewhat similar to Microsoft's Sharepoint Portal software, but without the requirement of a Sharepoint Portal server. Interesting! isn't it? Not only this... infact, Live Documents does not use any kind of server technology, but only requires every user to install its toolbar.

The application works with Microsoft Office 2000, XP, and 2003 and needs a stable Internet connection. Documents that are marked as shared are automatically sent out over the Internet to all users who have been assigned the right to view and/or modify them, and any changes are updated among all users.

Live Documents also does not require to set up a special folder for shared files. The user has the preference whether he has to share it or not.

After the pros a very few cons:
Multiple users cannot edit a document simultaneously. And without installing the 2.5MB download, we cannot open the file that is received from the remote user.

Go ahead! Download the trial version now:
EXE version (2.6 MB) or ZIP version (2.5 MB)

More on InstaColl Blog: Introducing “Live Documents”

Please check this review by Michael Arrington on TechCrunch: Live Documents is Powerful Stuff

Learn more about it
See why it is useful
Learn how it works
See where it can help
Take a free test drive

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Instantly Collaborate with InstaColl

Did you ever face any situation like, your customer waiting for a presentation / document / spreadsheet from you in the next few hours remaining. You need to discuss the matter with your boss before you present it to the customer and UNFORTUNATELY, your boss is out of town and cannot discuss it with you at that moment as he has both have to work on it together.
Would you ask the customer to wait till the next day as you have to discuss with superiors and get back?
If yes, you better buckle up NOW to show your quickest service. Here is something very important for all those who really want to provide a faster response to your clients. Give the best customer support.

There may be various stories that we may think of to explain you where you may have been a bit late and due to which that may have made a big difference. As you read the below review, you will know more and find a solution that may solve your such issues.

With this you can now:

Demonstrate products and services to anyone, anytime. Show Power Point presentations, highlight product features, and review contracts and documentation.

Review or edit documents in real time and conduct spontaneous Q&A sessions. Get the budget worked out, collaborate on presentation material, and communicate without the hassle or expense of traveling.

Deliver high quality, time-critical training without worrying about hardware or software issues. Update employees on process changes, regulatory compliance and new initiatives without trying to juggle travel schedules.

Build closer relationships with stakeholders by holding highly productive, interactive sessions without ever leaving your desk.

Overcome the limitations of document store-and-forward tools like e-mail which are insecure and unreliable. Instead of e-mailing a document to a colleague, try setting up an InstaColl session with that document - as soon as your colleague enters your InstaColl session through the invitation link, he receives your document, you are assured that he does have that document and both of you can collaboratively review the document at the same time! Imagine how much time you can save and how much heartburn you can avoid - no more missing e-mails!

After a long wait, here's it, presenting the Instant collaborating tool, InstaColl

InstaColl is an Instant Collaboration tool that allows business professionals to communicate and collaborate securely over the Internet. With the single click one can share documents and information across various locations. It is an interactive, collaborative platform that allow users to work on a shared document over the Internet from different places at the same time. It also allows users to connect in real-time using their existing desktop tools irrespective of their geographic location and collaborate seamlessly without having to reconfigure the firewall.

Instacoll enables users to share Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents.

You can do Real-time Co-Editing of Documents. i.e., two users from remote location can co-edit documents in real-time. Changes made by either are displayed to the other party.

InstaColl support for Immediate or Scheduled Meetings. It enables users to click a button in Word, Excel or PowerPoint to hold an immediate real-time sharing meeting. Alternatively, a meeting can be scheduled for a later time, along with an agenda.

Users must be using a system with Microsoft Windows 2000/ XP / Server 2003 only with Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. It supports Microsoft Office 2000/ XP / 2003.

The system should have a minimum configuration of Pentium 300 MHz or higher with 64MB RAM or more. That's decent enough.

And an Internet connection ...

It is based on Peer-to-Peer and Server-Based technology. By default, InstaColl works peer-to-peer, but if there are firewall issues, documents are saved to the hosted InstaColl infrastructure and shared over common browsing ports to get around firewall limitations.

Meeting invites are shared via email. When wanting to share a document or screen sharing session with another user, the meeting initiator has to only click a button to generate an email message with joining instructions. They just need to fill out the name of the invitee ... thats it! Rest is all auto generated.

This powerful Instant Collaboration solution that is unlike any other real-time collaboration/web conferencing tool in the market.

This is what the InstaColl Overview says on

InstaColl adopts a data-centric model where only the data is shared with the applications running locally on individual desktops. This ensures that bandwidth requirements are very low and even dial-up users can experience InstaColl and users can collaborate even if their operating system or application versions are different.

Installing in 3 steps:
1. Create a Free account
2. Setup InstaColl on PC
3. Share documents online

Get started working on InstaColl in just 3 steps:
1. Start Instacoll
2. Invite Friend
3. Begin InstaColling (Instantly Collaborate)

Have a Quick Tour to the product now!

InstaColl is a “data-centric collaboration” offering, which means that users collaborate around the data involved, not the application specifically.

InstaColl is one of the best on its part than any other online collaboration / web conferencing tool. Know why?

InstaColl happens to be very Easy, Secure, and Reliable. Nothing crap about it.

Know its Benefits

InstaColl FAQ's

What are you waiting for? Sign Up for a Free account and Download for free now and start InstantlyCollaborating.

You simply download the FREE, quick to start, and easy to use 3MB InstaColl client, your email address happens to be your user-name, and you set a password. That's it. You are ready to go.

After downloading,

Here is the tutorial

Keep all your troubles aside. Shoot 'em

I have been knowing about this product since last few years and is with a company headed by the Hotmail man Sabeer Bhatia, this happens to be the next big thing. Please let us know if you have any questions on this product

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  • I'm Ashwin Kini
  • From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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