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Friday, July 06, 2007

Will Taj Mahal make it to the Final New 7 Wonders of the World?

As the voting for the New 7 Wonders of the World heats up, the day has finally arrived. Today being the last day of voting and results will be declared tomorrow at Lisbon, Portugal. All Indians are having their fingers crossed for having the Taj Mahal among one of the New 7 Wonders.

Video: New 7 Wonders Finalists.

As of 7th June, 2007; Taj Mahal was ranked at number 10.

After a lot of promotions and campaigning in India to vote Online and SMS "TAJ" to 4567, it has been at a very later stage.
Moreover, I feel that the awareness in India has been coming up at the last moment since last few months to keep voting or should we call it our over-confidence?

Though it sounds like the Taj Mahal is among the leaders;

Rome's Colosseum, China's Great Wall, Peru's Machu Picchu, India's Taj Mahal and Jordan's Petra have been among the leaders since January while the Acropolis and the Statue of Christ Redeemer made their way up from the middle of the field to the top level, according to the most recent tallies. The United States' Statue of Liberty and Australia's Sydney Opera House have been sitting in the bottom 10 since the start.

Taj is still not doing well.

But, the lack of enthusiasm in India to vote for the 17th-Century Taj Mahal has been striking.
India has around 170 million mobile phone users and one person in every 50 has access to a personal computer.
But lacklustre voting over the past few months has seen the Taj Mahal get just enough votes to get at the bottom of the top 10 list.
Until a few weeks ago, there was virtually no information about the campaign.

Although some private television channels are now calling upon people to vote, most people are yet to hear about the campaign.

Waiting for tomorrow's results. Will TAJ make it among the 7?

Ek Mohobbat- One Love (song by: A. R. Rahman)
A tribute to Taj Mahal

Now that's refreshing!

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Few insights on User Groups and Communities

What are Technical communities all about?
Technical communities provide opportunities to interact with experts, and your peers in order to share knowledge and news about related technologies.

What are Technology User Groups?
User groups are typically independently run, volunteer groups that meet in-person on a regular basis to discuss and share information on a variety of technical topics. Participation in a user group is an excellent, inexpensive way to receive technical content, education and to meet with your peers to get more out of the various platforms, products, technologies, and resources which you are interested in.

Basically they are a group of professionals dedicated to helping the users and administrators of Windows / any other technology products successful in their work, home and leisure environments through the sharing of ideas, best practices, information and research and development. The members of the group may be any individual from Developers, IT professionals, Product Experts, Business and IT decision makers, to home users.

Following are the benefits of joining a user group :-

Monthly community conferences and events
Presentations by leading technology and industry technical specialists
Special interest groups formed around important topics
Access to the group website for collaboration and resources
Technical discussion meetings
Hands-on experience
Free for all the members for communities that have some support backing from some organization or business. There indeed are few communities that charge the members for events and trainings. But it depends purely on the kind of community and the event that may be
User Groups are totally driven by passion to share knowledge of technology

Supporting opportunities for a User Group may be providing any of the following :-

Meeting space at the monthly events
Speaking opportunities on the supporter's products and services at the events
Opportunity to provide giveaways and conduct raffles at monthly events
A symbiotic relationship between the group and our supporters to benefit all
Supporter’s page and details on the User Group as a co-promotional activity

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  • From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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